I will convert or create presentations with voiceovers up to 20 minutes

Do you have a PowerPoint presentation that needs to be converted into a video format? For just 5 dollars, exclusively on Fiverr, I will produce a video from your presentation file or a slideshow and will synchronize your voice track to the video in just 24 hours.
I specialize in a large variety of services in multimedia production, so don’t forget to check out my extra services that will save you a lot of time and money.
I can work with almost any type of presentations files, add video segments, synchronize audio or create my own voiceover.
livingword:Outstanding Experience
unicorn33:Quick and easy! Thanks again!
affordablevoice:Always a pleasure to work with.
unicorn33:Another great experience! Totally professional, responsive, and a pleasure to work with.
affordablevoice:Thank you for the continuous trust.

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