Tuesday, August 28, 2018

I will be happy to get back to you with a quote as soon as possible. + See More

I will be happy to get back to you with a quote as soon as possible. + See More


Please always contact me in the Message before Placing Order. Knowing your needs is most important for me.It also prevents theUGLY ORDER CANCELLATIONsituation! :(

1. We remember 10% of what we hear, 20% of what we read, and 80% of what we see.
2. 84% of human learning occurs visually.
3. It takes 150ms to process an image, 100ms more to attach a meaning to it, while it takes us 100s of times more to process textual information.

★★ Your visual design is IMPORTANT! ★★

The ultimate goal(s) of your presentation/materials should be to command your audience’s attention, engage them, AND motivate them to take an action.

My job is to take YOUR message and visually convey it in a way that entices, engages and moves your audience to an action

What I design:
★ Custom decks and branded materials for large businesses, start-ups, small businesses..
★ Beautiful minimal/simplistic styles that are modern while keeping in mind who the audience
★ Custom graphics, icons, other images that can be used across your digital and print materials

I am a professional designer that is creative, diligent... I provide premium design services that add value to your business.


capitalume:very talented

younessjamal:thank you so much :)

ekhoury:talented, Creative and dedicated to delivering the best option that suits your demand

younessjamal:thank you so much habibi, it's was so cool to work with you ;)

spencera82:Great. Responsive, friendly and professional

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